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Jansen's Power Tumbling


Orders Close: Friday, November 4th at 10AM



*Select "IN STORE PICKUP" as your shipping option. If you wish for your item(s) to be shipped, you can choose shipping for an additional cost. All items will be sorted and Debbie will hand them out at the gym.


Orders will be produced 10-15 business days AFTER orders close.. All orders are guaranteed before Christmas. No special orders will be taken. 


Thank you for placing an order with Spectrum Screen Graphics.  As mentioned above, orders close on 11.04.22.  Unfortunately, we cannot take orders after this time. 


If you have any questions please feel free to contact SSG at 217.347.0679.

There is a small chance that inventory issues may happen due to COVID supply chain issues.  If this happens, and we have a very comparable substitute available in the same color, size, and fit, we may choose to substitute an item in order to prevent a backorder situation. We apologize for this inconvenience as it is out of our control.  


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